The AWFUL AWFUL UGLY NET meets each night on 3855 at 8pm. CST. This net was formed on March 16, 1993.A group of us retiries and vet, from around the country started talking to one another. On this night we decided to form a net. Then we had people join in with us from around the country. Some of us are on the move a lots to different parts of the country. We keep in contact through the net. Anyone who has a licence to work that band is welcome to check in. Remember you don't have to be awful awful ugly, you don't have to be ugly, you can be pretty or think you are and you can still check in. For those of you , who don't know about Ham Radio. It is a great hobby. you can talk around the world to different hams. It is also a great at times in cases of disaster, such as storms and other times when normal communications can't get through We can set up communications almost anytime, using emergency equipment. It is world wide. You must have a ham licence from the FCC to use it. KB4GSX Claude AD4CW Odene AD4JV Don KD4VDC LILA AD4JV Don N4EOL Mike NF4G Joyce Af4AM DON AJ4HN Herschel KB4GSX Claude N4YZC LEE AD4CW Odene KB4GSX Claude WA4OBA Herman WA4OBA Herman KM5UY Doug WB4UDD Wayne W5HR Henry KC5PSB Theresa KE4FRN Hazel WU4J Ed KG4HAG Joe W4IV Roger AJ4HN Hershel AF4OW Scott Nashville Hamfest Three of a kind Nashville Hamfest N4BPT RD WA4OBA Herman AA4JH Jimmie AF4OW Scott Nashville Hamfest KS4KO Jeff N4BPT RD KG4FNG Terry N3OJM Joe AC4VS Shellie Earline N4PPI Bill BEARID K9IIK Bill K1LH Goose |